There have been numerous studies done over the benefits of exercise. Not only does it improve your physical health, but it can increase levels of endorphins in your brain, boosting happiness. There is no doubt that fitting in physical activity improves our quality of life.

Many of us, however, are juggling numerous responsibilities. It can feel difficult to schedule time to get enough sleep, let alone fit in 60 minutes to workout.

Five years ago, I would get up at 4:30am each morning, run four miles, and be at work by 7:00am. Being healthy was a major priority. Since I never knew if I would leave work with enough time to log my miles, I made sure to exercise first thing.

Then I got pregnant. And while I tried to remain consistent, being sick the first three months ended my routine. The bigger I got, the less motivation I had, until I decided I would pick my fitness routine back up after my daughter was born.

I thought that would be easier.

Trying to get back on track

After laboring for 22 hours, I had a c-section, and this immediately put my recovery back six weeks. I was disappointed, but still determined to start my fitness routine when the timing was appropriate.

Fast-forward six weeks later and I was cleared to exercise but my baby had colic. My husband had returned to work, I was preparing to come back from my maternity leave, and I couldn’t even manage to get more than four hours of sleep a night.

What’s more, I was trying desperately to soothe a baby that would cry for hours on end. Between exhaustion, and the stress I was dealing with, I was barely making it on survival mode.

Making fitness work for you

What I wish I would have realized was that I didn’t have to do a pre-planned fitness routine to get the benefits of exercising. What I do now that works so much better is what I will refer to as “functional fitness”.

This isn’t functional fitness in strictest sense (this does already exist as an exercise modality). At the beginning of each day, I look at all the chores I have planned and calculate how much exercise each task is getting me.

Cleaning the house

black vacuum cleaner on brown and white area rug
Photo by cottonbro on

Cleaning your house is probably one of the easiest ways to get some physical activity in. It gets you off the couch, on your feet, and moving around. I clean anywhere from 30 – 60 minutes a day. My tasks include:

  • Sweeping
  • Mopping
  • Dishes
  • Dusting
  • Laundry
  • Vacuuming

I don’t sit down until I’m done and the tasks I mentioned above provide opportunities to squat, walk, stretch, bend, and lift. It may not be intensive exercise, but it does get my heart rate up and helps burn calories.

If I feel particularly lazy, I can always deep clean. This typically takes a few hours and, if I’m scrubbing, I’m definitely working my arm muscles. And vacuuming is a great way to work your biceps.


person holding green plant in brown clay pot
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Our gardens provide one of the best workouts. Between our three gardens, I get my steps in. The chances that I forgot somethingare always pretty strong and keeps me moving (albeit probably more than is necessary).

Weeding is one of the best ways to get a workout in the garden. It involves bending, pulling, and squatting. We predominantly fight cheat grass in our garden which, if you have ever tried to pull it, takes a considerable amount of muscle due to its extensive root system.

On days we water, I’m walking back and forth between beds while also hauling around a hose. We practice deep watering, and that wand gets heavy after holding it in place for a few minutes.

Harvesting also burns a lot of calories since it includes bending, pulling, stretching, and lifting. I have considered buying a garden wagon with the increase in our produce hauls, but, carting the buckets to and from the house is a good workout.

Once of the best workouts I have ever gotten was filling in our garden beds using a wheelbarrow. I was sore for weeks.

Animal Management

chickens on traditional free range
Photo by Kaboompics .com on

We don’t have a full barnyard, but we do have a number of animals. Some things, like feeding and watering, we do daily but it isn’t intensive, and it doesn’t burn a lot of calories.

However, when we need to lift heavy bags of feed or are chasing chickens, we burn plenty of calories to make up for the easy days.


food on the table
Photo by fauxels on

Cooking isn’t a traditional way to exercise. Most people probably don’t think you can consider it as exercise.  But cooking gets you standing and, anyone who has cooked a meal from scratch, knows that you are constantly moving to get to everything.

If you have ever whipped cream or kneaded bread, you’ve probably felt your triceps burn. Checking food in the oven gives you the opportunity to squat and reaching for a high cabinet is great at strengthening your calves.

We all need to eat. Why not kill two birds with one stone and skip the takeout? Not only will that help you avoid processed foods, but it will be much easier to use clean ingredients and, it’s a lot easier on your wallet.

Creating a system that works for you

Do you have time to stick to a consistent work out routine? That’s great! And you should definitely keep doing just that. The benefits are outstanding and having that dedicated time can only improve your mental health.

But many of us are in the season where there simply isn’t enough time. Rather than attempt and fail, you can always make a conscious effort to appreciate what you are already doing.

When you feel lazy, go pull some weeds. Get out the broom. You’re going to have to do it anyway, and, you might as well get your “workout” in.