Our little girl is an apple juice fiend. If given the option, she will drink it morning, noon, and night. What started as being a treat quickly turned into something she demanded on a daily basis.

Normally, I don’t think this would be a big issue. However, our daughter has a sensitivity to sugar. We initially noticed at her first birthday party when she got a taste of something sweet – a smash cake. After only a few bites she grew hyper and started shaking. Later, this hyperness turned into crankiness. 

It didn’t take long to notice the common denominator over the following weeks. When she was allowed dessert, such as a cookie, she would grow manic then crash. While we want to normalize eating all foods, the post-sugar hangover was not something that was pleasant to deal with. 

Like most kid-friendly drinks, apple juice has sugar in it. In approximately one cup, there is 24 grams of sugar. That is almost 6 teaspoons of sugar. 

Apple juice has many benefits such as improving heart health, brain function, lung capacity, and is an immunity boosting fruit. By choosing to make it instead of buy it, we could get all of the benefits without any of the drawbacks. 


  • 5 Gala apples
  • 2 cups of water
  • Juicer

How to make apple juice using a juicer

Buying a juicer is an investment but they are incredibly easy to use. 

Step 1. Wash your apples

To begin with, you want to thoroughly wash all of your apples. Realistically, whether you buy or pick your own you want to make sure that any pesticides, wax, or chemicals get washed off so that you aren’t ingesting them. Many people choose to peel their apples, but it is not necessary if you are putting them through the juicer.

To wash, you can run them under cold water, wiping with your hands, for at least one minute. Soap or any other cleaner is not necessary. 

Step 2. Chop up your apples

While gala apples may be small, a whole one does not fit into the top of your juicer. After cleaning, core your apple, and cut into a minimum of six pieces. Try not to include any of the seeds or the stem. 

Some people are worried about a chemical compound called amygdalin found in the seeds. When ingested, this can turn into cyanide. I’m here to tell you that is not something you should be concerned about as it takes copious amounts to do any real damage. However, it is better on your juicer not to use them. 

Step 3. Juice your apples


Place four pieces at a time in the top of your juicer, insert the “stick”, and press down. The apple waste will go into the container attached to the side and the liquid will come out of the spout. Make sure you have a container under it to catch the juice! 

After processing all five apples, I add in two cups of water to dilute and place in a pitcher. This makes approximately two 8oz glasses of juice and is more than enough for my toddler to drink throughout the day. You can store it in your refrigerator for 72 hours, but the longer a juice sits, the more nutrients it will lose. 

Fresh, homemade juice

Making apple juice with a juicer is unbelievably easy and makes it possible to feed your kiddos (or yourself) a nourishing alternative to store-bought juice. It is a quick, efficient way to clean up your families’ diet and make your day a little healthier. 

Avery Drinking Apple Juice