Rabbits are some of the cutest, multi-purpose, and easiest animals that you can have as pets. They are common on many homesteads who utilize them for meat. Other popular uses include using their excrement as fertilizer, which can be put into the garden without the need to compost, as well as breeding them to sell.

 However, rabbits differ greatly from cats or dogs, and have very different needs. Here are some important facts to consider during your research of rabbits before making a purchase.

1. How old should a rabbit be when I buy it?

It is best to adopt rabbits that are at least 8 weeks of age or older. When between 4 and 12 weeks of age, they have a very high mortality rate. Additionally, if they are younger than 6 weeks, they may have difficulty eating solid food.  A rabbit’s teeth has open roots which enables them to grow. In fact, they can grow by as much as four to five inches each year. Since their teeth never stop growing, rabbits require a diet of hay, pellets, and vegetation which “trims” their teeth. 

Young rabbits under the age of 2 months, who are not also being bottle-fed, should not be purchased as it is difficult for them to transition to eating solid food. If you have a baby rabbit under the age of 8 weeks, it is best to leave them with their mother.

2. How much work is required to take care of a rabbit?

As stated, rabbits are very low maintenance pets. They do, however, need daily exercise and social interaction with their owners. Rabbits that are not socialized can become aggressive and even destructive. Making sure that they get exercise every day is extremely important because rabbits can easily become obese if not given enough activity.

Rabbits are also notorious for getting sick easily, so they must be taken to the veterinarian for regular check-ups and vaccines. Preventatively, a routine that includes exercise and play will benefit your pet. Rabbits that are not exercised, can become depressed and unresponsive. 

3. How much do rabbits cost?

two rabbits

The price of rabbits varies depending on the breed and whether they are male or female. Pedigreed rabbits will be more expensive than a typical meat rabbit.

A rabbit with a good temperament such can have a price range from $20-$100 depending on the rabbit’s breed, age, and where they are located. They can be purchased at pet stores and are usually between 6 months old. These rabbits often have a higher price tag. 

Rarely, rabbits can be found at rescues or shelters after being abandoned by their owners. They are usually never more than 6 months of age, and can be adopted at a low-price tag. However, sourcing rabbits from shelters is often very difficult as they are not among the more common animals that are brought in.

The most sustainable way to source rabbits is from buying from a local farm. Not only are you able to guarantee that they have been cared for humanely, but it also helps support a local business.

4. What housing do rabbits require?

Rabbits require accommodations that are at least twice their size. The house should be able to keep them warm, dry, and out of the elements (wind, sun, rain, snow). Each house needs a food dish, water bottle and hay feeder. You should also provide hiding places to prevent rabbits from feeling stressed.

There are several different ways that rabbits can be kept. The three main ways are in cages, hutches, or as a colony.

Wire cages are commonly used for rabbits. They can be purchased but they can also be built.  The drawback to wire cages is they usually do not contain space to roam and rabbits that are kept in wire cages may develop health problems if they are kept contained. The wire can also be hard on a rabbit’s feet, so they are happiest when they have some time on solid ground.

Rabbit hutches also provide suitable shelter. However, rabbits chew on anything wooden. This can be destructive to wooden hutches that are not adequately rabbit-proofed and may result in your hutch having a shorter lifetime than a well-maintained wire cage. Hutches should have a solid floor, and many come with removable trays that make cleaning easier.

The last option, colonies, allow rabbits free range. If you decide to use a colony, there should at least 1 square foot per rabbit. Often, hutches will be connected to provide convenient fencing. If you use this method with both male and female rabbits, you should also be prepared for babies as, left unattended, rabbits can mate whenever they desire.

Any form of housing needs extra space to keep your pet happy. If kept together, rabbits may get aggressive if they feel they do not have enough room.

5. What do rabbits eat?

Rabbits must be strictly fed a fresh and high-quality diet. They require the opportunity to continually crunch on hay, which will help to wear their teeth down and prevent abscess growth. Without the proper amount of hay, they can develop GI Stasis, a condition that can lead to rabbits’ death. The best type of hay for them is timothy hay which is readily available in most farm supply stores.

Rabbits can also be fed fresh vegetables. Daily portions should consist of about 1/8 of a cup. . They should not be given food more than once a day as they will eat until they are sick if allowed to and too much vegetation can cause GI distress. 

Pellets formulated for optimal health can be purchased at most pet stores or farm supply stores. Rabbits should, however, have minimal access to these as they receive most of their nutrition from hay. Pellets, when in excess, is a contributing factor to rabbit obesity.

Similar to most animals, rabbits require unlimited access to fresh water. You can find convenient water bottles that hook directly to wire cages. In the summer, they will need more as they often struggle to adapt to the heat.

6. How do rabbits mate?

two rabbits

If you are raising rabbits for meat, it is important to be informed about their mating habits. Male rabbits (bucks) and female rabbits (does) can live together. However, rabbits are solitary creatures who typically only come together when mating.

When a rabbit mates, it can look much like fighting. They tend to act aggressive and territorial. That being the case, the best way to handle breeding is to place the doe in the buck’s cage. This lessens the likelihood of a fight and ensures that the mating process will be done more quickly, as the buck is already familiar with his living area. It is best to separate rabbits for a few hours after mating.

Rabbit gestation period is about 30 days but can vary depending on breed. If rabbits are raised with no access to other rabbits or are not courted often, they may have an irregular heat cycle which can make getting them pregnant extremely difficult.

 If rabbits are not fixed, they may breed every 28 days. Smaller ones can be bred at five months of age while medium or large breeds mature at 6-7 months of age.

7. What breeds of rabbits make good pets?

There are several different kinds of rabbits that can be bought as pets.  Some breeds of rabbits to consider when purchasing rabbits for your new pet are Netherland Dwarfs, Holland Lops, and Californians.

Known as the “pocket dog” of the rabbit world, Netherland Dwarfs are intelligent rabbits who can be easily house trained. They have a docile temperament and love being groomed. Usually between 2-3 lbs, they can live about 8 to 10 years. They make good pets because they like to be held, cuddled, and played with as well.

Holland Lops weigh about 5-7 lbs and live about 10 years. These rabbits are smart and can be litter box trained or taught to walk on a leash. They have floppy ears and a friendly personality.

Lastly, Californians are a domesticate breed that was developed to use for both their fur and meat. They can range from between 7 to 10 Lbs and. While quite shy, they can become friendly with continuous care and socialization.

The only breed of rabbits have difficulty being kept with other breeds is the Chinchilla. They should generally be kept by themselves. These are typically found in pet stores and are not commonly used on homesteads.

8. How long do rabbits live?

Rabbits can live around 8 years depending on the breed and proper care. However, if they are kept as pets usually only live 5-6 years before they die due to illness or neglect. Rabbits should always be fed quality food, given a proper amount of space, have clean living areas, and be given time to get exercise.

9. How can rabbits be checked for illness?

girl with two rabbits

If something appears to be wrong, rabbits may need to see a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and care just like any other animal. They do not display symptoms of illness as readily as dogs or cats, so you should pay close attention to their behavior.

Common issues are discharge, diarrhea, and weight loss. Runny eyes or nose could indicate an upper respiratory problem. They can also get eye infections if their cage is too dirty or they are not getting proper ventilation.

If your rabbit has any symptoms, it is important to see a vet immediately.

10. What kind of climate do rabbits need?

Rabbits do best in a temperate climate. They struggle to survive temperatures below freezing and do not handle humidity well. They can handle small amounts of snow as well as cool nights. These temperatures are preferable to summer weather as they can struggle with overheating. It is important that they are not kept in direct sunlight for long periods of time. More water needs to be provided when temperature increases as rabbits may suffer heat stroke. In winter, they should also have a shelter they can go into when it is too cold outside.